

Investigation of Grievance by the College Grievance Committee vide Ordinance No. 66.7.3

1 The Committee considers the written complaint by a student on the conduct of examination provided that

(i) the complaint is submitted within 15 days after the declaration of results;

(ii) the complaint is accompanied with a fee of Rs.200/- (refundable if the complaint is found genuine); and

2 The matter is referred to the Committee by the Principal. The Committee replies to the allegations, if any, made by the student from the concerned party.

3 After considering the reply of the concerned party, the Committee recommends a course of action in writing to the Principal.

4 The Principal may inform the student the findings of the Committee and takes appropriate action including reassessment of the said answer book. However, if the marks are reduced after revaluation of the said answer book the original marks be retained and the student to be communicated that there is no change in his/her result.

5 A minimum fine of Rs.200/-  but exceeding Rs.500/-, is imposed on the student complainant, if the said allegation(s) is (are) found to be a deliberate attempt at casting aspersions on the teacher(s) concerned. If the allegations are found to be genuine and the same is recorded giving reasons, the action shall be taken as provided under OA-5.2.6.

Inquiry into cases of unfair means vide Ordinance No. 66.7.2

The following procedure is followed for inquiring into the cases of candidates alleged to have used unfair means at the B.Sc., examinations.

  1. The candidates is served with a show cause notice and made aware of the charges/allegations reported against him/her so as to enable him/her to prepare his defence at the time of this appearance before the CUMIC and inform him/her thereby of the proposed action to be taken in his/her case, directing him/her to reply to the show cause notice as to why the action proposed should not be taken against him/her.

(a) The reply received by the Committee from the candidate when he/she appears before it,  is considered by the Committee and the final recommendation in the matter is taken and reported to the Principal for approval.

(b) The punishment finally awarded can be equal to, or less than, what is mentioned in the show cause notice, but not more than what is mentioned therein.

(c) The CUMIC is a recommendatory body. The Principal has to exercise his/her power under Statute SB-13(iv) of the University and issue final order

(d) The broad category of malpractice and the quantum of punishment for each category thereof shall be as given in Ordinance on malpractices i.e. OA-5.14.19. Besides these guidelines, each case may be examined in detail and punishment awarded on the merit of each case.

I. Preamble
In a laboratory, it is crucial to follow strict policies and procedures when it comes to cleaning and waste disposal services. Special attention must be given to the handling of chemical and bio-hazardous waste and sharps to comply with institutional policies. These policies outline safe and compliant disposal methods for waste contaminated with chemicals and biohazards. Our aim is to establish scientific and secure waste disposal procedures for laboratories that align with institutional guidelines.

II. Definitions
Non- hazardous waste: This refers to waste that is not regulated because it lacks any of the hazardous characteristics defined by the Environment Protection Act (EPA) and is not listed as hazardous.

III. Disposal of non-hazardous waste
The safe and legal way to dispose of non-hazardous waste is by putting it in the regular trash. Examples of common waste that are not classified as hazardous are some types of salts such as potassium chloride and sodium carbonate, natural products like sugars and amino acids, and non-contaminated laboratory materials such as chromatography resins and gels.

IV. Disposal of Spills
Laboratory workers are permitted to clean up most chemical spills themselves according to regulations. However, it is recommended that they receive spill handling training and use appropriate equipment to ensure a safe cleanup.

General guidelines for cleaning up spills are as follows:

• Evaluate the potential hazards of the spill.
• If the spilled material is flammable, eliminate any sources of ignition, such as hot plates, stirring motors, and flames.
• Shut down any equipment in the area that could increase danger.
• Secure the spill area to prevent interference with the clean-up efforts.
Choose appropriate personal protective gear, such as gloves, goggles, face shields, and aprons or coveralls if there is a chance of body contact with the spill.
Wear rubber or plastic boots (not leather) if there is a chance of stepping into the spill.

V. Disposal of Glassware

The disposal of glassware in a chemistry laboratory should be done carefully to ensure the safety of laboratory personnel and to minimize environmental impact. Always consult with your laboratory assistant for guidance specific to your laboratory.
• Empty and Clean Glassware: Before disposal, ensure that the glassware is empty and free from any chemical residues. Rinse it thoroughly with an appropriate solvent (e.g., acetone, ethanol, or water) to remove any remaining chemicals.
• Glass Disposal Containers: Use designated glass disposal containers, often labeled as “Broken Glass” to dispose of broken glassware. These containers should be puncture-resistant and have secure lids to prevent injuries.

VI. References
• UGC guidelines for Universities. Research Institutes and Colleges for procurement, storage, usage and disposal of radioactive and other hazardous materials chemicals, 2011.


  1. The Lab is accessible only for Botany students of St. Joseph Vaz College.
  2. All students must wear their ID card and a lab coat at time of practical’s.
  3. Students must enter the Lab on time as per the scheduled timetable.
  4. Carry your dissection box at all times inside the laboratory.
  5. Bags should be kept at one given place as per the instructions given by the
  6. Silence must be maintained.
  7. Long hair must be tied back.
  8. Sandals must be worn at all times.
  9. Cover any cuts with a bandage.
  10. Students must maintain a Lab journal and should submit it on time.
  11. Wash hands immediately upon contamination, after handling hazardous chemicals before leaving the laboratory.
  12. Discard waste into proper bins.
  13. Work area should be kept neat and tidy at all times.
  14. Do not work unsupervised in the lab.
  15. Notify the instructor immediately in case of an accident.
  16. If chemicals come in contact with your skin or eyes flush immediately with of water and consult with your instructor.
  17. Do not eat or drink in the lab.
  18. Do not sniff, taste any chemicals or substances you are working with.
  19. Please notify for any breakage of instruments/equipments in the laboratory.
  20. All equipments and supplies should be returned to original location after the completion of the practical.
  21. Students must clean their bench area before leaving the lab.

Teacher In charge

  1. The requirements for practicals should be recorded 2 days in advance on the record book.
  2. The teacher-in –charge should be there till the period ends.
  3. Attendance of the students should be recorded.
  4. Chemicals taken from a storage area for temporary use in the laboratory must be kept back in the same position after use.
  5. Demonstration/ experiments should be explained.
  6. Mounting of permanent slides/ specimens with the help of laboratory assistant.
  7. Correction of journal.
  8. First aid kit should always be present in lab.
  9. Keep only the equipment and chemicals necessary for the particular procedure being performed should be in the work area.
  1. The library will be open Monday to Saturday from 9:00a.m. to 4:30pm,excluding Sundays and  holidays.
  2. An identity card is required to enter the library.
  3. Scan you ID card when you enter  the Library or for D.El.Ed students it is mandatory to make an entry on the Visitors Register.
  4. Please leave any bags, folders, etc. at the library’s property counter.
  5. Users will only be able to borrow books after producing their library card.
  6. Two books can be checked out to students for a week. If the book is not returned by the due date, there will be a fine of Rs. 5 each per day.
  7. If books are removed from the shelf and are no longer needed, they should be placed on the nearby table. Do not attempt to shelf them yourself, please.
  8. Users are requested to handle the books carefully. It is strictly forbidden to mark, highlight, deface, or otherwise mutilate books or other library materials, and anyone caught doing so will be required to pay for the damage.
  9. Users of the library are asked to keep their voices and tones low and not disturb other patrons. Shifting of chairs and other library furniture from its original place is strictly prohibited.
  10. Users are not allowed to carry any food item inside the library.
  11. Receiving/Making  phone calls is strictly prohibited in the library.
  12. Users can place their suggestions/complaints via google form available on the library section of website for necessary improvement in the library services.
  13. If the user does not return the book that was issued to him or her or does not pay the fine, their certificate will be placed on hold.
  14. Journals, Newspapers, Magazines and Reference books such as dictionaries, encyclopaedias and handbooks are only for reference inside the library.
  15. The user will have to replace any lost books or pay twice the price of the lost books. 
  1. Timings of the computer lab will be from 8:45 am to 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm to 4:15 pm.
  2. Every user must make an entry while entering in the Computer Lab and also at the time of exit from the lab.
  3. Playing games on computer in the lab is strictly prohibited.
  4. Internet facility is only for educational/ study purpose.
  5. The lab must be kept clean and tidy at all times.
  6. Conversation, discussion, loud talking & sleeping are strictly prohibited.
  7. In case of theft / destruction of the computers or peripherals, double the cost of the loss will be charged from the student/user.
  8. All lab computers are set up to remove any data stored or any programs installed by users.
  9. Before leaving the lab, users must close all programs positively and shut down the PC
  10. DO NOT leave your personal belongings at the computer lab; the college is not responsible for items left behind.
  11. Use of Computer Lab for personal work is prohibited. However, permission for doing personal work may be given by the Principal.
  12. Students are not allowed to modify or delete files and folders of other students.
  13. Do not edit, add, or delete material from the C: drive.
  14. Eating and drinking are not allowed in the lab.
  15. Remember to log out whenever you are done using any lab computer
  16. Do not change the configuration of any computer. Do not install screensavers or wallpaper.
  17. If any problem arises, please bring the same to the notice of lab in-charge.
  18. Any amendments / change in the computer lab rules shall be notified from time to time.