Examination Policy


Date for conduct of ISA F.Y./S.Y./T.Y.: The ISA committee sets the tentative dates for conduct of ISA at the beginning of the Academic Year in view of the Academic Term, the ISA for odd semesters is set to be in August, September and October while ISA for even semester is set to be in January, February and March respectively.

Time-table for ISA F.Y./S.Y./T.Y: The ISA committee prepares the time-table.

Mode of assessment of ISA S.Y./T.Y. (CBCS): The ISA for the theory component of a Course is conducted twice in a given Semester, once through a written test, and the other by using alternate modes of evaluation including
assignment/ presentation/ orals/ such other. There is no averaging of any ISA marks (vide Ordinance No. OC-66 (2a)).

Mode of assessment of ISA F.Y. (NEP): There are three ISAs in a given Semester for the theory Component of each Course of 2 Credits and above, of which a minimum of 50% is be evidence based. ISAs may be through a written test or any other alternative mode of evaluation, including assignments, presentations, oral or online test, MCQs, open book test, and any other mode of assessment. There is no averaging of any ISA marks (vide ordinance No OA-38.14 (iii)).

Conduct and Setting of Question Paper for ISA I: written test F.Y. (NEP)/S.Y/T.Y: The concern teacher(s) teaching the subject sets the question paper(s) and submit the same to the Head of Department, who after verifying of
pattern of questions and scheme of marking forward the same to the ISA committee and IQAC.

Conduct of ISA II & ISA III: The concern teachers are given a choice to follow any mode of assessment for conduct of ISA II & ISA III.

Appearance for ISA F.Y. (NEP): The Students have to answer three ISAs, out of which the best of two is considered for theory component while students also have to answer two ISAs for practical component out of which the best will be considered. If the student is unable to answer atleast two ISAs for theory and one ISA for practical he/she is not be allowed to appear for the Semester End Examination

Conduct of ISA (out of turn) F.Y. (NEP): Students who fail to appear for an ISA due to a genuine reason is given another opportunity, to complete the ISA provided the student has to make an application to the Principal and state a valid reason of absence (vide ordinance No OA-38.14 (iii, f)) .

Appearance for ISA S.Y./T.Y.: The students have to answer two ISAs. If the student is unable to answer either ISA I or ISA II, he/she is given another chance to appear in ISA III provided the student has to make an application to the Principal and state a valid reason of absence, failing which he/she is not be allowed to appear for the Semester End Examination

Declaration of ISA marks: ISA marks is communicated to students within two weeks of the ISA (vide ordinance No OA-38.14 (iii,d)).

Grievance pertaining to ISA marks F.Y (NEP): All grievances pertaining to ISA marks are be dealt with by the Grievance Committee of the College before sending the ISA marks to the University (vide Ordinance No OA-38.14.4 (ii)).

Uploading of marks: The concern teachers upload the marks in their respective subject on DHE’s IAIMS portal after obtaining the signature of the Principal.

Date of commencement of examination F.Y./S.Y/T.Y.: As per the dates mentioned on the Academic Terms issued by Goa University.

Time-Table for Semester End Examination F.Y./S.Y.: The Examination committee prepares the time-table one month prior to commencement of Examination

Time-Table for Semester End Examination T.Y.: The time-table is set and issued by the Goa University.

Time-Table for Practical Examination F.Y./S.Y.: Practical Examination commences after the Semester End Examination however in some cases the Practical Examination may be conducted prior to the commencement of Semester End Examination with the permission of the Chief Conductor of Examination (Principal). The Examination committee prepares the time-table one month prior to commencement of Practical Examination

Setting of Question Papers F.Y./S.Y.: The concern subject teacher(s) referred to as paper setter(s) have to set the question paper(s) and submit the same to the Head of Department, who upon verifying the pattern of question paper(s) and scheme of marking forwards the same to the Examination Committee. The subject teacher(s) also have to prepare the answer key (vide ordinance No. OC 66.5 (3e)) and under the New Education Policy (NEP), question paper is set according to the Blooms taxonomy guided by the B.O.S. of each subject.

Setting of Question Papers T.Y.: The setting of question paper(s) for SEE for Semester- V and Semester-VI shall be done centrally by the University (vide ordinance No. OC 66.5(3f)).

Appearance for Semester End Examination F.Y./S.Y.: Students are automatically admitted to answer the Semester End Examination after the fulfilling the requirement of 75% overall attendance & 50% per subject (vide ordinance No. OA-17.3 (iv)) and answering minimum of two ISAs (vide ordinance No. OA-66.5 (3c))

Appearance for Semester End Examination T.Y.: Students have to login to Goa University examination portal and fill in the examination form in order to be admitted to answer the Semester End Examination after the fulfilling the requirement of 75% overall attendance & 50% per subject (vide ordinance No. OA-17.3 (iv)) and answering
minimum of two ISAs (vide ordinance No. OA-66.5 (3c)).

Appearance for Practical Examination F.Y./S.Y./T.Y.: Candidates shall be required to submit the journal/record book while entering the laboratory to appear for the practical examination. Examiner(s) shall take into account the regularity of the candidate in attending the Laboratory Course, completeness of the exercises, presentation and style of writing the journal. For subjects having field work component, the candidate shall be required to submit the report of such field excursion(s) along with the journal(s) for assessment. The examiner(s) shall consider the report along with journal(s) while allotting the marks (vide ordinance No. OC 66.5 (4(a)(iii))).

Appearance for Practical Examination (Out-of-Turn) F.Y./S.Y./T.Y.: A candidate may be permitted, strictly on medical or other genuine grounds, to appear for practical examination out of turn, irrespective of the timetable and the batch allotted to him/her, in the examination programme for Semester-V and Semester-VI issued by the University. This out of turn appearance may be in the same college in a different batch or in a different College. Such permission may be granted by the University if so recommended by the Principal of the College. The candidate shall be required to remit the requisite fee for his/her being examined out of turn (vide ordinance No. OC 66.5 (4(c))).

Issue of Hall Ticket (T.Y.): Within 2 days after receipt from University.

Assessment of marks F.Y./S.Y.: Assessment of answer-scripts of SEE of Semesters I – IV shall be organized by the Colleges. The assessment of the SEE answer scripts at the Semesters I – IV shall be done by the teachers of respective Colleges. (vide ordinance No. OC-66.5 (3d)).

Assessment of marks T.Y.: Assessment of marks is done by Goa University, where the teachers who have set the papers assess the papers from different college.

Assessment of Practical Examination F.Y./SY: Examination(s) in Laboratory exercises shall be conducted for Courses having practical component. Marks shall be allotted for journal/lab record book, field work, experiment assigned to the candidate and oral, and shall be broadly as follows: Experiment 60%, Journal 20%, Orals 20%. The final break- up of marks shall be as recommended by the Board of Studies in the respective subject, approved by the Academic Council and notified by the University to all the Colleges (vide ordinance No. OC-66.5 (4a (i))) and for assessing the candidate‘s performance in the assigned experiment, the examiner shall take into account the planning, the procedure and the technique followed by the candidate along with the readings/observations, the
results and the presentation (vide ordinance No. OC-66.5 (4a (ii))).

Assessment of Practical Examination T.Y.: External Examiner notified by the Goa University and the concern teacher teaching the subject assess the experiment(s) and follows the procedure as mentioned in assessment of Practical examination for F.Y/S.Y. Assessment of T.Y. project: The assessment of the Project Course shall be done equally by Internal Examiner (Project Supervisor for 50 marks) and External Examiner (for 50 marks) as per the guidelines defined in the Project Manual (vide ordinance No. OC-66.5(5b)).

Rechecking of marks: After assessment of marks by the concern teacher(s), the examination committee allots teachers not teaching the subject to recheck the answer- script, whether all answers are assessed and the marks are allotted correctly.

Uploading marks of students F.Y./T.Y.: Students marks are to be entered in the DHE’s IAIMS portal by the concern subject teacher

Submission of Sports and Cultural Entitlement Marks F.Y./S.Y./T.Y.: Scheme of Entitlement marks is under the provision of ordinance No. OA-26.

Improvement Examination F.Y. (N.E.P): Improvement of Performance shall be permitted to a student who has passed the UG Degree Examination. The student shall be required to appear again only in the SEA component of the papers of Semesters I to VIII Examinations, excluding the Project, Dissertation, Internship, and Practical component. For this purpose, the marks scored at the first appearance in the Project/Dissertation, as also in the ISA component of the other Courses, shall be carried forward for tabulation of the result under improvement of performance (vide per ordinance No. OA-38.14.5.)

Improvement Examination T.Y. (CBCS): Improvement of performance/ total score shall be permitted to a candidate who has passed the B.Sc. examination, in which case he/she shall be required to appear again only in the SEE component of the papers of Semester V and /or Semester VI examinations, excluding the Project Course. For this purpose, the marks scored at the first appearance in the Project Course, as also in ISA component of the other papers, shall be carried forward for tabulation of the result under ―improvement of performance Guidelines as per ordinance No. OC-66.5 (8), there is no improvement examination for the F.Y./S.Y. (CBCS)

Verification of marks F.Y./S.Y.: Personal verification of marks is granted to the candidate in the presence of Principal, the concerned Examiner, Examination Convenor and IQAC Coordinator, provided he/she has applied for the same along with payment of prescribed fees, within one week of the declaration of result (vide ordinance No. OC-66.5(6a)).

There is no revaluation provided for the F.Y./S.Y.

The fee payment is as per the examination fee structure for that Academic Year issued by the Goa University

The following is the procedure for the verification of marks (vide ordinance No. OC-66.5 (6a)).:

(i) On a notified day and time, which should be not later than 10 days after the receipt of application from the candidate, the candidate is shown the answer book in the chamber of the Principal in the presence of the Examiner concerned, Examination Convenor and IQAC Coordinator.

(ii) If the candidate is not satisfied with the result on personal verification of answer book, he may apply to the College Grievance Committee within a week.

(iii) The College Grievance Committee shall take appropriate action as per the relevant Ordinance and inform the candidate of the decision taken accordingly.

Revaluation of marks F.Y (NEP): Revaluation of SEA answer books in Semesters I to VIII shall be permitted as per the existing provisions of OA-5.15 for Revaluation/Verification.

Revaluation of marks (T.Y): Revaluation of answer books of the candidates at Semesters V and VI shall be permitted as per the existing provisions of OA-5.15 for revaluation/ verification.

Appearance for Supplementary Exam F.Y/S.Y: A supplementary examination shall be conducted, preferably after 15 days from the declaration of results of Semester II and IV examinations. Students who have a backlog of any or all the papers (theory / practical) of Semesters I, II, III and IV are eligible to appear for this examination (vide ordinance No. OC-66.5 (7)).

Appearance for Repeat Exam T.Y: Dates mentioned as per Goa University notification/circular.

Maintaining of Examination Data: Record of the breakup of marks thus obtained by the candidate for Semesters I to IV, shall be maintained by the respective College in a sealed envelope for a minimum period of 4 years (vide ordinance No. OC-66.5 (4b)).


Displaying of consolidated results F.Y./S.Y.: 1 week prior to issue of marksheet.

Displaying of consolidated results T.Y.: Within 2 days after receipt from Goa University.

Preparation of marksheet F.Y./S.Y.: Automatically calculated by the DHE’s IAIMS portal.

Preparation of marksheet T.Y.: Prepared by the Goa University

Award of Grades: Guidelines as per Ordinance No. OA-16

Issue of Marksheet F.Y./S.Y.: As per the date mentioned on the Academic Term issued by Goa University.

Issue of Marksheet T.Y.: Within 2 days after receipt from Goa University.

Issue of Duplicated Marksheet: Maximum 7 days from the date of receipt of candidate’s application.

Awards of Grades and Grade Point Average

Calculation of grades and Grade point average and was done manually from Academic Year 2017-18 to 2020-21 and thereafter the DHE’s Portal: IAIMS in accordance to Ordinance OA-66.

A Grade Certificate is issued to all the registered students after every Semester based on the grades earned. The Grade Certificate displays the Course details (code, title, number of credits, grade secured). Marks awarded in each Course shall be represented in the form of Grades in the grade sheet issued at the end of each semester. Letter Grade which is the index of the performance of students in a said Course, denoted by letters O, A+,A, B+, B, C, P and F, and calculated based on Grade Point and marks obtained for each Course, as shown in the table below.

Letter GradesGrade PointPercentage
O (OUTSTANDING)1085 – 100
A+ (EXCELLENT)975 – <85
A (VERY GOOD)865 – <75
B+ (GOOD)755 – <65
B (ABOVE AVERAGE)650 – <55
C (AVERAGE)545 – <50
P (PASS)440 – <45
F (FAIL)00 – <40

Calculation of SGPA

On successful completion of a Semester, Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) shall be calculated as follows:

SGPA=Sum[i=1,n](cigi)/ Sum[i=1,n](ci)

ci= number of credits attached to the ith course, gi= grade points earned in that course, n=total number of courses or part thereof in the Semester. 

Calculation of CGPA
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) shall be calculated as follows:

CGPA= Sum[i=1,n] {Sum[i=1,n](cigi)/ Sum[i=1,n](ci)}

n = total number of Semesters Ci = total number of credits in the ith Semester Gi = SGPA in the ith Semester

Letter GradesGrade Point
B+ (GOOD)7-<8
P (PASS)4-<5
F (FAIL)0-<4


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