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Slogan and Placard Making Competition

As a part of ‘World AIDS’s Day’ awareness, the Red Ribbon Club of St. Joseph Vaz College organized ‘Slogan and Placard making competition’ on 29th November 2023. The topic of the competition was ‘HIV/AIDS Awareness’. Here the participants had to pair as a team and prepare a slogan on ‘HIV/AIDS awareness’ and also create placards with the same slogan.

The number of students participated for the competition were 11 students (6 teams). The judges for the event were Mrs Manali Acharya and Mr. Ludiloy Pereira. The criteria for judging the Slogan competition included delivery of speech, confidence, message conveyed, adherence to theme, overall presentation and for the Placard making competition creativity, neatness, adherence to theme, message conveyed and overall presentation.

The students were provided with chart papers and other essential stationeries. The competition commenced at 11.00 a.m and ended at 1.00 p.m, where each participant were given 2 hours to come up with a slogan and prepare the placards.
The Slogan and Placard were then assessed by the judges, where each team came forward and presented their placards to the judges and said the slogans aloud. The winners of the competitions were as follows

Slogan competition:
First Place: Khushnuma Baig and Komal Ghanchi
Second Place: Tejeswani Lamani and Tanisha Mangueshka

Placard Making:
First Place: Pavithra Nair and Srushti Naikr
Second Place; Isha Gomes