Debate on World Population Day

The department of Mathematics and Women Development Cell in collaboration with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of St. Joseph Vaz College, organized a debate on the theme “Women Reservation is Women Empowerment”. The debate was held on 11th July on the occasion of World Population Day.

Rev. Dr. Bolmax Pereira, Assistant Professor in Botany was the moderator for the debate. The following points were highlighted by the Proponent Team: Women are homemakers not decision makers, women are treated as puppets, reservation should be looked upon as an opportunity for women, etc. Whereas the opponents highlighted the failure of women reservation in China and other countries. It was pointed out that reservation has led to violence in some places and creditability is women empowerment.

In the end, the Opponent Team edged over the Proponent Team in terms of content and presentation skills. The debate was judged by Dr. Maria Cineola Fernandes, Assistant Professor in Botany and Ms. Manali Acharya, College Librarian.

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