International Microorganisms Day
The programme began by a formal welcome address by the Administrator of St Joseph Vaz College, Rev. Prof. Simao R Diniz. The administrator welcomed the chief guest and students to the celebration of International Microorganisms day at St Joseph Vaz College. He thanked the chief guest for taking time out from her busy schedule to deliver a expert talk to our students titled“Menaces, Mates and Marvels : Meet the Microbes”.
Ms. Analiese Fernandes, First year BSc Microbiology student was the compere of the programme. She began the programme with an introduction as to why we celebrate International microorganisms day on 17th September. This was followed by prayer service lead by Ms.Natasha Nadaf , FYBSc student.Thereafter the Principal, Prof. Maria Fonseca escorted the Chief guest Dr. Dilecta D’Costa, to the dais.The IQAC Coordinator, Ms Angela Serrao and the Coordinator of the event Dr Aureen Gomes also took their seats on the dais. Dr Aureen Gomes introduced the chief Guest, Dr. Dilecta D’Costa to the august gathering and Ms. Pavithra Nair welcomeed the chief guest with a potted plant.
Dr Dilecta delivered a insightful and informative talk on “Menaces, Mates and Marvels : Meet the Microbes”. She elaborated on the conventional understanding of microbes as causative agents of disease which has led us to fear them and to consider them our deadly enemies. She further emphasized about the much less appreciated central roles played by microbes in shaping the environment and in maintaining plant, animal, and human health. Her lecture took the audience on a journey of wonder, complexity, power, and the utility of microbes.
Dr. Dilecta D’Costa is the State President of MBSI for Goa and Maharashtra for the current academic year 2023-24. During the programme Dr. D’Costa formally inducted the students nominated to serve as office bearers for the AY 2023-2024 . Dr. Dilecta D’Costa briefly addressed the students about MBSI and its activities.
Thereafter Dr Dilecta D’Costa pinned the badges of the President, Secretary and Treasurer, on the office bearers of MBSI student unit of SJVC for the AY 2023-24. The student office bearers for the AY 2023-24 are Ms. Fey Aroma who will serve as President, MBSI student Unit,Mr. Kshitij Naik who will serve as Secretary MBSI student Unit and Ms Natasha Nadaf who will serve as Treasurer MBSI student Unit.
The State President of MBSI formally inaugurated the MBSI student unit of the college by lighting the candles along with the newly inducted President, Secretary and Treasurer of the MBSI student unit of SJVC , the Principal Prof Maria Fonseca and the Faculty coordinator , MBSI Dr. Aureen Gomes.
The President of the MBSI student unit of SJVC, Ms. Fey Aroma gave a report of the activities conducted under MBSI from July to September 2023. The chief guest, Dr Dilecta D;Costa gave away the prizes/certificates of the various events organised by MBSI student unit of SJVC.