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Managing Our Waste Issues

Nature club of St. Joseph Vaz College, Cortalim in collaboration with Department of Botany has organized a talk on occasion of Gandhi Jayanti on 3rd October 2023 on topic ‘Managing our waste issues’ by Ms. Shraddha Rangnekar, senior project co-ordinator, Mineral Foundation of Goa. The talk was co-ordinated by Dr. Nikita Verenkar, Assistant Professor in Botany. Ms. Neha Panday student from S.Y. B.Sc. compered the session, addressing of guest was done by IQAC Co-ordinator Ms. Angela Serrao, Assistant professor in chemistry. Around 47 students attended the talk.

The main objective of talk was to address the issues of waste management. She focussed on harmful effects on improper waste disposal. She pointed out that the dumped mixed waste produces a harmful liquid called leachate and burning of plastic releases dioxins. She mentioned various ways to segregate various different waste like paper, cardboard, soft plastic, glass, metal etc. Later she stressed on 4R’s of waste management i.e. Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The concept of 4R’s is to decrease the quantity of things we use and also decrease the amount of things we throw away. She mentioned different ways to reduce the waste like carrying a re-usable shopping bag, segregating dry and wet waste. Finally the talk ended with vote of thanks by Ms. Shreya Mulik.

Outcomes of this talk:

  • Not to throw garbage in the surrounding.
  • Segregating wet and dry waste.
  • To create awareness among the people.
  • To prevent various diseases associated with improper waste disposal.