Debate Competition

On the occasion of World Population Day on 11th July 2023, the Mathematics Department and the Women Development Cell of St. Joseph Vaz College, Cortalim organized a thought-provoking debate titled “Women Reservation is Women Empowerment,” in collaboration with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell. The event aimed to explore diverse perspectives on the topic.

Acting as the debate’s moderator was Rev. Dr. Bolmax Pereira, Assistant Professor in Botany. The Proponent Team put forward compelling arguments, emphasizing that women are often limited to the role of homemakers rather than decision-makers and that they are frequently treated as mere puppets. They suggested that reservation should be viewed as an opportunity for women to break free from these constraints and empower themselves.

On the other hand, the opponents highlighted instances of failure in women’s reservation policies in countries like China, pointing out that such measures have sometimes resulted in violence. They argued that true empowerment lies in credibility rather than mere reservations.

After a rigorous discussion, the Opponent Team emerged victorious in terms of both content and presentation skills. The judging panel consisted of Dr. Maria Cineola Fernandes, Assistant Professor in Botany, and Ms. Manali Acharya, College Librarian. Their assessment determined the outcome of the debate.