Drug Use and Abuse and Sex Education

To sensitize and create awareness among students, a talk was organised on ‘Drug Use and Abuse’ and ‘Sex Education’ at St. Joseph Vaz College, Cortalim on 19th March 2022. The dignitaries present on the dais for the function were Dr. Maria A.A.R Fonseca Principal and Vice-Chairperson of R.R.C, Resource person Dr. Pranjali Prasad Medical in-charge PHC Cortalim and Ms. Veloshka Da Costa, Convenor of R.R.C.

The programme commenced at 11:45 am by welcoming the dignitaries followed by a short prayer by Dr. Maria Cineola Fernandes, Asst. Professor in Botany. The principal Dr. Maria A.A.R Fonseca addressed the gathering and thanked the R.R.C members for organising the talk.

In the talk Dr. Pranjali spoke about the importance of sex education among the students. She said ‘One should have knowledge about birth control measures, OCP etc which are the temporary methods and permanent methods include Vasectomy and Tubectomy’. She also informed the students that any queries regarding sex education nowadays can be surfed on the internet. Next topic she addressed was on ‘Drug Use and Abuse’. She gave brief classification of drugs. Generally, Drugs are categorized into Pharmaceutical and recreational drugs.  She told drugs affect the neuron transmission. A person starts taking drugs because of peer pressure and then gets addicted to it. On the other hand, she also talked about the risk factors, its prevention and treatment. Drug use and addiction are preventable. Prevention programs involving families, communities and media may prevent or reduce drug use and addiction. Treatment for drug addiction includes counselling, remedial measures, behavior therapy, and occupational therapy.

Apart from the talk, the results of the poster competition held on 17th March 2022 on the topic ‘Drug Use and Abuse’ were declared, 1st place was won by Ms. Swizel Carvalho   and Ms. Pallavi Jadhav and 2nd place was bagged by Ms. Prajwal Sawant and Ms. Flossy Lucas. The vote of thanks was proposed by R.R.C faculty member Ms. Daizy E. D’mello. The programme was compered by Dr. Rita N. Jyai R.R.C faculty member. The programme concluded by 1 pm. Refreshments was served.