Social Health: Is it Important?
The Department of Physical Education and Sports of St. Joseph Vaz College organized Healthily-A lecture series on Health, Exercise and Wellness for the students of B.Sc.
The seventh lecture of the series was on the topic Social Health: Is it important?. The Resource Person for the lecture was Mrs Melinda Pereira, College Director of Physical Education and Sports at Fr Agnel College, Pilar. The session begun at 11.15 a.m. Sports Secretary Miss Fey Da Silva along with Mervin Fernandes, Veron Rocha and Natasha Nadaf led us into prayer. Principal Dr Maria Fonseca addressed the gathering welcomed the Resource Person Mrs Melinda
Pereira by handing over a pot of flowers. Miss Shreya Mulik took the privilege of introducing the resource person. 49 students, 6 faculty members and 4 non teaching staff attended the lecture.
In her lecture Mrs Melinda Pereira spoke about the importance of social health and how it benefits all of us. She conducted 3 activities through which the participants could understand the need of social health in a better way. The first activity was about drawing a clock and taking signatures of other participants based on the questions given by the resource person. Through this activity the participants could know each other better and interact with each other. In the
second activity the participants were given two questions and were told to discuss it with the person sitting beside them. This helped the participants to share the good and bad in their lives with each other. This activity highlighted the necessity of having social relations which would help us in our good and bad times. The final activity was moving through obstacles where the participants were divided into 2 groups. One group had to guide the volunteer through the
obstacles and the other group had to disrupt them. This taught the students to ignore all the bad advice and follow the correct path. The session ended with the participants singing a motivational song along with the resource person.
On behalf of the St Joseph Vaz College Fey Da Silva expressed the Management’s Gratitude by handing over a token of love and appreciation to the honorable Resource Person. The participants were enthralled with the wonderful session.